Sad but true, this is the very last post that I will type as a 20-something woman! Wednesday, right around lunch time, I will officially turn 30. Although my mom did go 2 weeks late with me so it could have happened sooner!
Sitting here I honestly can't believe I'm that old. Not saying 30 is OLD, just saying sometimes I still feel a lot younger. It seems like just yesterday I was 19 years old and being told by Dr's that my Endometriosis could prohibit me from ever having children. Now I am blessed beyond words with 3 beautiful healthy happy babies. During my 20's I spent 38 months either pregnant or nursing! I honestly loved every minute of it. I could be pregnant forever & ever! But never again, hehe =)
During my 20's I traveled a little. Chicago (for my 21st bday), Texas so many times I can't even count, Florida 3 times, went on an amazing cruise with our best friends! VEGAS! and many other less exciting states & places =) We have plans to travel to so many places now that we are done having kids! I'm excited to see what the 30's have in store for us, many family adventures to be had!
There are days that pass, and I am so consumed with joy it brings me to tears. I am never a person to complain or act unsettled with my life. Some people are constantly looking for ways to have more, get farther, and stay busy that they miss out on what's happening in their life NOW. So many blessings in my life, small potatoes to some people, but huge huge mountains to me. We have never been one for glitz & glamor, we don't try and out do or keep up. We take every day as it comes and really really enjoy lifes simple pleasures. They are the best!
Thank you to my friends for putting up with me, supporting me, loving me through everything that you have. Not many groups of friends can say that they've stayed this close since elementary school. Just the 4 of us. I wouldn't have it any other way!
Thank you to my husband for this life we share. For working so hard every day to provide for me & our children. For seeing me at my worst & loving me anyway. For making mistakes and admitting to them, and not trying to be or act perfect. There is no perfect and I love our imperfections =)
Thank you to my parents for giving me life & giving me a brother ( not sure I've EVER said that before! ). My mom is one of my best friends on this planet. I feel blessed to have her and have the bond that we share.
And to my kids, the reason I wake up every day and smile. My 3 little miracles that amaze me, surprise me, love me & keep me going. I love being your mother, I hope that when you grow up you appreciate everything you had, and everything you didn't. My life revolves around you & I wouldn't want it any other way!
Enough with the mushy stuff.... here are some random pics to sum up my 20's!
There are in NO particular order!
My wedding day May 10th 2003 |
| |
Me & my curly haired young man! 2008 |
Cabin fever at the votaw house - 2009 |
Texas trip #1 2009 |
Wedding 2009 |
I love fall! 2009 |
Halloween 2009 |
This is what life's all about! I treasure pictures like this. Notice she even included baby in belly =) |
Very first drink in VEGAS 2010 - bloody mary! |
28 & still got it! 2010 VEGAS |
Maternity pic 2010. I edited the ribbon in pink AND blue since we didn't know what she was =) |
my last delivery February 15th 2010 - IT'S A GIRL! |
Big brother - priceless |
My life, my everything.... right here. |
My husband, my rock |
another maternity pic 2010... thank you Tina! |
Bffs minus 1! |
New Years Eve kiss in KC 2007! |
one of my favorite pics of all time, Ty floating in the ocean at Clearwater Beach at sunset. During our Disney trip 2008. |
Family of 4 soon to be 5! Baby cooking in the tummy = | ) 2009 |
I can't wait to see what my 30's have in store for us!
Life is a gift, every single day, enjoy it!
Happy early birthday!! :)
Ah love this post! Happy Brithday tomorrow!!! I wish I was there to have a celebratory drink or cupcake with ya! Enjoy the day. Love all the photos.
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