Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Wednesday!

The so called "blizzard" has come and gone and left behind 9.1 inches of snow officially!  In the words of my bestie "This sucks!", but I've gotta say the kid in me really loves it!  The kids are home from school again, and cabin fever hasn't quite set in yet so it's still manageable.  They keep entertained with dvr'd movies, ds's, wii and Ty still loves his good old fashioned puzzles!  As for the littlest miss, I think she has a future in mountain climbing this girl is unstoppable!  We have fun cooped up at home all day, just wish Chris could get a snow day too to enjoy it with us.
The kids voted this the daily "must have":
They like to top theirs with rainbow marshmallows, and we're always trying to create our own twist with different flavors!  Hot Chocolate is good for the soul! 

Shout out to our good friends Rodney & Annie who's little man Xavier turns 2 today!  I was honored to be present for that delivery, thank you friends!  Happy Birthday Xavier Robert Deters!

Daily What the "F"? - Today's What the "F" goes out to the guy who so graciously cleared our neighbors driveway at 3:30 this morning!  Your huge ass truck, with monstrous exhaust, and flashing hazard lights was enough to wake my baby girl up!  It took you all of 15 minutes to clear the drive way and it took me all of an hr to get her settled again!  Thanks a lot buddy!!


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