Monday, February 28, 2011

making ME over for march - MONDAY!

Every day, every week, every month, every year I strive to be better, do better, live better.  February has quickly come & gone and with nice spring weather approaching ( we can all hope! ) it's the time of year that I do a lot of spring cleaning, physically & mentally.  Today I started a list, a list of things I am doing poorly, doing good & could be doing better.  For example:

Something I'm doing poor? BEDTIME!  Kaydee is down with the whole routine, and has been since she began Kindergarten.  When that clock strikes 8:00 she knows what it means and doesn't protest ( except for an occasional tummy ache, back itch or need for a drink of water ).  THE BOY, on the other hand, can drive us nuts pulls at our heart strings more often than not.  He is our snuggler, always has been.  He likes to snuggle up to one of us on the couch and fall asleep there.  Kaydee see's it as unfair ( which it is ) and so this is one thing I am determined to fix!  No more softy mom ( or dad! ).  As for Little Miss Carsen, as long as she has her 3 B's she's good to go!  Binky, blanky & baby.

Something I'm doing good? Meal planning & housework!  My OCD requires things to be done in a promptly manner and be planned out.  This can be a curse on days or weekends in particular when our busy schedule interferes with my ability to keep up.  Once I let it go, it overwhelms me and then I have to find the motivation to start and complete it again.  I have been doing very well and staying on top of it, and keeping a somewhat organized and straight house ( for my own sanity ).

Something I could be doing better?  Projects!  I have a list of projects that I'm perfectly capable of doing sans the husband.  He works 11 hours a day, and works 6 days a week.  I have to take on most do-it-yourself projects on myself and leave the finishing touches to him when he gets home.  Lucky him =)  I need to paint the bedroom, that ones been on my list for months!  We got a beautiful new bedding set for Christmas that needs some room decor to match.  Updating picture frames.  It's the curse of the digital age, my pics just sit on the computer and are neglected, not printed and then forgotten about!  Most pics displayed in my living room are years old.  I need the inspiration, motivation & determination to start and finish all of these little to-do's on my list!

For those of you who participate in Lent:
The 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday until Easter observed by Christians as a season of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter.

I am stuck on what in the heck to give up this year!  I've done it all, and succeeded, from swearing, soda, coffee, chocolate, eating out, alcohol & so on.  I need a challenge, something that will make me, not kill me.  I have until Ash Wednesday, March 9th, to make up my little ole' mind.  Suggestions welcome!

* For those of you who read my blog, but don't follow (mom yes, you mom, you are one of these people! ), please do!  I appreciate the emails, but your comments can also be posted once you are officially following!  Thank you ever so kindly =)


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